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Contact Us

Shirley Infant School

Wilton Road
SO15 5LA

Tel No: 023 8077 5057

Head Teacher  Cate Gregory
Chair of Governors Peter Gould,
c/o Shirley Infant School, Wilton Road, Southampton, SO15 5LA
Business Manager Bree Enemark
Primary Contact Sue Prince (Senior Administration Officer)
General E-mail
SEND Co-ordinator Aimee Reilly
Phone Number: 023 80 775057
Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Gregory 
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Watts 

Email our DSL at


Paper copies of information on the school website can be made available on request by contacting the school office on 023 8077 5057 or sending an email to

Compliments, complaints or concerns - please follow this link and read the Complaints Policy on our Policies & Procedures page (under Key Information). 

Shirley Infant School is part of the Hamwic Education Trust.

Please follow this link to information regarding Hamwic Education Trust Governance.

Chief Executive Officer
Robert Farmer

Tel: 023 8078 6833.
Company Number: 10749662

Hamwic Education Trust
Southampton Head Office
Unit E, The Mill Yard
Nursling Street
Southampton, SO16 0AJ

Name and Correspondence address for the Chair of Trustees of Hamwic Education Trust - Gary Plummer,,  Southampton Head Office, Unit E, The Mill Yard, Nursling Street, Southampton, SO16 0AJ.