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Equality Objectives Statement

Shirley Infant School adopts the Disability Equality Mission Statement of Hamwic Education Trust.

At Hamwic Education Trust we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for: 

  • Pupils with disabilities in relation to education and associated services; 
  • Staff with disabilities in relation to employment rights, conditions and opportunities; 
  • Parents and members of the local community with disabilities in relation to additional services offered by or at our academy. 

We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel confident about disclosing their disabilities in the certain knowledge that they will receive a positive and supportive response which facilitates their full participation in the full range of activities offered by our academy. 

In particular, the achievement and participation of pupils and students with disabilities will be monitored, and we will use this data to raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. 

We will make reasonable adjustments in relation to teaching and learning and wider aspects of academy life to make sure that the educational environment is as accessible as possible. 

We will use our accessibility planning duty to ensure that there is a rolling programme of improvements over the next three years in relation to access to the curriculum, access to information for both pupils and their parents and access to the academy buildings, its facilities and amenities for.

We will seek to foster a positive response to disability amongst all members of our academy community and to eliminate bullying, harassment or the less favourable treatment of people with disabilities wherever and whenever it is likely to occur. 

At Hamwic Education Trust we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn in, work in, and visit our community.