SEN Information
Shirley Infant School reports information about SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) provision and support through the stars on the SEND Stars page within this section of the website. Please click on the stars on a desktop device or use the links in the page on a mobile device. This has been updated for 2020-21.
The website SEND report is organised through frequently asked questions. Additionally, the report provides detailed information about SEND provision at the school.
Shirley Infant School has a Special Education Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDco - Miss Aimee Reilly) who is responsible for the management of provision and/or support for identified pupils with SEND. They will also support teachers and other staff to enable them to provide appropriate assessment and focused provision for children in their class with SEND.
SENDco Contact: or 023 8077 5057
Further information about SEND support within Southampton is available on the Southampton Local Offer Website.
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