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At Shirley Infant School we follow a series of themes as a focus for school assemblies. Some themes within the assemblies underpin our PSHE and are designed to help children reflect and revisit on concepts such as friendship, conflict resolution, dealing with change, helpfulness, while other assemblies link to our work on Rights Respecting Schools where we consider and make links between rights and responsibilities.  We ensure our assemblies are underpinned the British Values:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

 The focus value is drawn upon in the children's reflection's at the end of the assembly

Generally the themes are followed for a half term at a time;

Autumn 1

  • School Attendance Matters
  • New Beginnings
  • Rights & Respecting - Class Charters
  • Who to talk to when worried about something - Bubble Time
  • School Council Elections
  • Harvest
  • Clever Never Goes - Situational awareness 

All children have a right to an education and a respect the right to help others learn (RRS)

Autumn 2

  • School Attendance Matters
  • Getting on and falling out with our friends
  • Kindness and Anti-Bullying
  • Remembrance Day
  • Road Safety
  • Diwali
  • Advent

All children have a right to be listened to and a respect the right to listen to others

Spring 1

  • School Attendance Matters
  • Going for Goals and aspirations 
  • E-Safety
  • Perseverance
  • Chinese New Year
  • Philopsphy for Children with high quality key text to drive focus

Spring 2

  • School Attendance Matters
  • Good to be me 
  • Sport Relief
  • Holi
  • Easter

All children have a right to be treated fairly and respect the right to treat others as they would like to be treated.

Summer 1

  • School Attendance Matters
  • Relationships 
  • Importance of care and concern for others
  • Mending friendships
  • Growth mindset

All children have a right to a happy childhood and respect the right by following our school values

Summer 2

  • School Attendance Matters
  • Managing Changes PSHE
  • UNICEF Soccer Aid
  • Being Active & Healthy
  • Right to Water

All children have a right to be healthy and respect themselves to look after their bodies

Children are encouraged to adopt values such as kindness, honesty, perseverance and care for each other and to consider the feelings of all around them. We teach religious stories and traditions mainly from Christianity but also from other religions. We encourage children to talk about their faiths and traditions and encourage them to develop a tolerance of other children’s beliefs and cultures based on understanding and knowledge. We highlight some celebrations such as Diwali, Harvest and Chinese New Year so that the children are aware of events that are happening around them. Schools are required to hold collective acts of worship and during each assembly there is usually a moment of reflection, a song, a short prayer or a moment of silence which emphasises the theme and encourages reflective thought.

Each half term we are visited by the children’s worker from St James’ Church, who leads an assembly with a Christian theme such as Christmas, Easter. Angel also links into our assembly themes with Christian stories that illustrate the theme.

Each half term our link Sports Provider or Sports Leaders set a new playground challenge for the children to participate and improve their skills, agility and quickness in a range of sporting challenges.