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The School Day

Here is a little insight into the structure of our day at Shirley Infant School.

8:40am Doors open for the start of the day
8:50am Doors close and class registration and lessons begin
10:20am Snacktime and talk time
10:45 -11:00am Morning playtime in the playground and the field 
11:00am Morning lessons
11.45-1:00pm Lunchtime, staggered by year group
1:00pm Afternoon registration and lessons begin
PM Directed 10 minute physical activity (i.e. golden mile, yoga, fitness centre, mindful minute)
2:45pm Reflection time
3:10pm School finishes for the day

This equates over a typical week to be 32.5 hours in our school.

Children will participate in both whole school and year group assemblies throughout the week.