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Shirley Infant School and Shirley Junior School share a single Local Governing Committee (LGC) that has responsibility for both schools.  Our aim is to improve outcomes for all children through the sharing of expertise, resources and facilities, as well as ensuring a seamless transition from Infant to Junior School.

The role of the LGC is to monitor, challenge and support the school at a strategic level. The LGC meets every half term, focussing on a range of areas including standards, finance, safeguarding and strategic planning. 

Shirley Infant School and Shirley Junior School are part of the Hamwic Education Trust, a Multi Academy Trust.  The LGC operates under its Scheme of Delegation and LGC Terms of Reference. Both these documents can be seen here.

Both schools are also part of the  Jeffreys Education Partnership which brings together local schools who are part of Hamwic Educational Trust.

To contact the School Governors please e-mail:

Shirley Infant & Junior School Local Governing Committee

Name Peter Gould
Governor Type Co-opted

Chair of Governors

Term from 10/12/2022
Term to 09/12/2026


Name Carolyn Fayle
Governor Type Co-opted

Vice Chair of Governors, SEND Governor

Term from 10/12/2022
Term to 09/12/2026


Name Cate Gregory
Governor Type Headteacher

Shirley Infant School

Term from N/A
Term to N/A


Name Annette Hixon
Governor Type Headteacher

Shirley Junior School

Term from N/A
Term to N/A


Name James Grant
Governor Type Co-opted

Safeguarding Governor

Term from 22/04/2024
Term to 21/04/2028


Name Martin Walker
Governor Type Co-opted (parent)


Term from 07/10/2023
Term to 06/10/2027


Name Victoria Chapman
Governor Type Co-opted (parent)


Term from 18/10/2021
Term to 17/10/2025


Name Angeline Dharmaraj-Savicks
Governor Type Parent


Term from 17/11/2023
Term to 16/11/2027


Name Andy Hiscock
Governor Type Co-opted


Term from 24/06/2024
Term to 23/06/2028


Name Penny Collins

Clerk to the Shirley Schools Local Governing Committee

Name Role at resignation or end of term of office

Date - Appointed & Resigned

Relevant Business Interests
Sarah Horsfall Co-opted Governor 10/12/2022 to 24/07/2024 None
Chris King Parent Governor 16/06/2022 to 27/02/2024 None