Year 1 Curriculum
The focus of Year One is to continue to build on the fantastic building blocks of learning they acquire over their year in Year R. The beginning of Year One reflects the learning layout of Year R to ensure the children have a smooth transition over this time. Our learning is cross curricular, so children get the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have learnt through Year R and One. We work hard to develop positive learning attitudes, so the children have a ‘can do’ attitude about any challenge they are faced with and have the passion for learning in all areas of the curriculum! Our integrated curriculum allows our children to approach their learning journeys with perseverance, co-operation, curiosity and independence. The topic based curriculum allows them to develop explicit skills within a discrete subject.
For more information, please see the attachment below "Year 1 overview" or alternatively click on the following link which will take you to the national curriculum as this is the curriculum we follow:-
National Curriculum
We held a Year 1 Curriculum Information Evening in the Autumn 1 term. Please find below the presentation of the curriculum evening slides.
Autumn | Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? | Wild at Heart |
Spring | Out of this World | Victorians |
Summer | Kings and Queens | Minibeasts |