P.S.H.E. : Personal, Social, Health and Economic education
The P.S.H.E. curriculum supports the aims of our school strap line Every Child, Every chance, Every Day.
At Shirley Infant School we teach P.S.H.E. through lessons underpinning qualities and skills that help us manage life and learning effectively. Lessons are planned using guidance from the Department of Education and S.E.A.L. Guidance (Social Emotion Aspects of Leaning). This is to ensure we provide spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
P.S.H.E. also allows teachers to deliver lessons taught at an age appropriate level about relationships and bodies. Learning about bodies is taught through a combination of elements of the Science Curriculum and P.S.H.E. In line with Section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and the statutory guidance, which includes safeguarding responsibilities, we ensure children are taught about safeguarding, including online, through teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. For further information please read the school’s P.S.H.E. Policy, Drugs Policy and Sex & Relationships Policy.
P.S.H.E. yearly overview of topics
The P.S.H.E. Schemes of work are revised yearly and local and national Key Information is always considered informing planning.
Autumn 1 | New Beginnings |
Autumn 2 | Getting on and Falling out |
Spring 1 | Going for Goals |
Spring 2 | Looking after me |
Summer 1 | Relationships |
Summer 2 | Changes |
Long term overview of P.S.H.E.
Throughout our relationships focus we discretely teach about healthy relationships, how to ask for help, being a good friend an exploring kindness. In addition to our teaching of Anti-Bullying throughout the year, in Autumn 2 we always promote the national Anti-bullying week using guidance from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Falling out with our friends how is this different to Bullying?
The Hamish and Milo Wellbeing Resources is a comprehensive emotions curriculum and range of SEMH intervention programmes. We use this programme to support our ELSA provision within the school and we are currently part of their research project. One of the team Andrea Middleton has written the following which supports our thinking. Andrea has written:
A large body of research evidence gathered over the past 30 years confirms that experiencing bullying – particularly if the bullying continues over a long period of time – can have a significant and lasting impact on a child’s wellbeing into adulthood.
The detrimental short-term and long-term effects of bullying on children’s learning, their mental health, physical health, and social relationships have been well documented in the research literature.¹ One study conducted by Kings College London showed that the negative social, physical, and mental health effects of childhood bullying had severe long-term effects that continued into adulthood. The researchers concluded that children who were frequently bullied in their childhood were more like to have poorer physical, psychological, and cognitive functioning as adults and additionally were at increased risk of experiencing depression, anxiety disorders, and suicidal thoughts.²
To ensure that we can prevent bullying and act quickly when it takes place, it is vital that we have a shared definition of bullying. This definition should be understood by the whole school community including parents, young people, and all staff.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance and its members have an agreed shared definition of bullying based on research from across the world over the last 30 years:
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face-to-face or online.
It’s important to understand that misunderstandings and conflicts, although hurtful, are inevitable in human interactions and relationships. We should explain to children that although sometimes we may fall out with a friend or say or do something that is unkind, this isn’t bullying but can happen at times, in the heat of the moment or when we are feeling scared or stressed because of something that has happened. After this happens, it is important to be kind together again and to repair the friendship.
Bullying is different to this; it is very painful and can be the result of people not liking the difference in others, perhaps because of their race, religion, or habits. People can also be treated with prejudice if they are judged unfairly for their appearance, culture or beliefs.
‘Rupture and repair’ is the term used to describe the breaking and restoring of connection with one another. Since humans are wired for connection, and connection is what researchers say brings most happiness, rupture and repair is a critical concept to learn about for wellbeing. Bullying and the restoration of relationships can feel like complicated concepts to talk about with children, but when the discussion is led by a trusted and attuned adult, they can facilitate a safe and open space to explore these issues
What can you do at home to support P.S.H.E.?
P.S.H.E. is not just a school subject, it is also about experiences undertaken out of school as PS.H.E. is a developmental aspect of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.
Every half-term a home learning activity will be sent home with a letter providing additional detail about the half-term topic. This is an optional activity to build on learning and include the family in your child’s PS.H.E. development.
Some examples for previous home learning have included:
Autumn 1 | New Beginnings | Create a family flag |
Autumn 2 | Getting on and Falling out | Design a helping hand |
Spring 1 | Going for Goals | Role play of your dreams and aspirations |
Spring 2 | Looking after me | Give each other compliments |
Summer 1 | Relationships | Create a family collage |
Summer 2 | Changes | Discuss what changes you would make it you ruled the world |
Activities may differ from the examples provided.
In addition, you can also read our P.S.H.E. Policy in the Policy & Procedures section of the website.