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Our School

Welcome to Shirley Infant School

Shirley Infant School is an energetic community of learners all striving to be the best we can be. The school aims to provide inclusive and integrated learning experiences for our children and we look to develop the potential of every child.  Our aim is:

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

School Building

The development of the whole child is our top priority and, with this in mind, we have created a curriculum which is constantly changing and which inspires moral, spiritual and creative growth as well as academic growth.

Excellent relationships are central and staff aim to know every child well and to recognise their talents and uniqueness.  Within this framework we maintain a tradition of high attainment and progress.

Partnerships with parents are important to us.  We aim to involve you in your child’s school experience through offering opportunities for parents to join us for curriculum workshops, themed events, and pupil progress sessions etc.  We have a thriving parent and friends’ group – Friends of Shirley Infant School (F.O.S.I.S.).

Our strengths were recognised in our recent Ofsted inspection:

‘Strong values, underpinned by the UNICEF Rights of the Child are embedded in the culture of the school.’

‘Senior Leaders focus closely on ensuring all pupils make the progress they should.’

‘Parents support leaders’ commitment to developing children’s leadership skills and their creativity alongside their academic achievements.’

‘Parents are deeply appreciative of the rich educational experience that the school provides and feel well informed about their child’s learning. Parents say they value the ‘true feeling of partnership’.

Governors are actively involved in the day-to-day life of the school as well as supporting school leaders to drive improvement, ‘ Governors challenge and support leaders well, accurately using a wide range of information to support the evaluation of the impact of leaders’ work.’

Shirley Infant and Shirley Junior school staff teams work closely together to ensure excellent progress and transition from Year R to Year 6.  We share curriculum development, themed weeks and events.  Children and staff have opportunities to work together across schools.  

The school is part of the Jefferys Education Partnership (JEP).   JEP is part of a wider group, the Hamwic Education Trust, a multi-academy trust. 

We are proud of our school and hope that you will find this website useful.  For more information please contact our school office team.

Cate Gregory

Shirley Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.