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PP Report 2020-21

Pupil Premium at Shirley Infant and Junior School

At Shirley Infant and Junior Schools, we believe in good or better learning for all.  We strive for achievement for all our pupils and believe that all pupils should develop a passion for lifelong learning.

We believe Pupil Premium Provision needs to have a dual approach. Firstly, rigorous academic interventions in every year group to diminish differences. Secondly, through creating a wrap- around holistic culture to address the complexity of individual needs so that we support and enhance the whole life journey of each child at our school over 7 years. Supporting families and enabling children to feel safe and secure in school in order to access learning is our priority. Academic support, progress, challenge and extension for our PP children is of paramount importance, but equally we continue to build on our agenda to provide a wide variety of creative new opportunities and experiences to inspire, motivate and fire individual passions and talents.

‘Practise any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow’ Kurt Vonnegut

Through rigorous monitoring and tracking of pupil performance, we are able to identify pupils who are at risk of not making sufficient progress, including the monitoring of most able disadvantaged children.  We use this information to plan and implement effective intervention and support strategies.  These will be provided dependent on each child’s needs and the challenges that they face.

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and diminish the difference between pupil premium children and their peers and ensure all children are supported and challenged.   The funding is allocated to schools for children from Reception to Year 11. The Government gives schools pupil premium funding for:

• every child currently registered as eligible for free school meals

• all children eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years

• children who have been looked after by the local authority

• children whose parents serve in the armed forces

The Pupil Premium funding for 2020-21 presented schools with £1345 per disadvantaged child of primary school age.

What is Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)?

From April 2015, the EYPP funding was introduced allocating £50 million for children aged 3-4 years old in order to narrow the gap in achievement. This presents schools with up to £302.10 for each eligible child from the term after they turn 3.

It is our belief that engaging parents and carers is a key factor in raising standards.

When making decisions about using pupil premium funding it is important to consider the context of the school and any challenges ahead. Through targeted interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress.

All Pupil premium strategies will be reviewed regularly to ensure they are having the intended impact in diminishing the difference.  This will allow us to make rapid adjustments if certain strategies are not working well or to further extend successful strategies.  

What is PLAC?

The DfE’s view is that

“Many children from the groups described above will have experienced grief and loss and will have had traumatic experiences in their early lives. 72% of those adopted in 2013-14 entered care due to abuse or neglect. Their needs do not change overnight, and they do not stop being vulnerable just because they are in a loving home. Their experiences in early life can have a lasting impact which can affect the child many years after adoption. We therefore believe that teachers and schools have a vital role to play in helping these children emotionally, socially and educationally by providing specific support, to raise their attainment and address their wider needs”.

Schools will receive £2,345 for each child who is recorded on the January school census.

As part of our monitoring and reviewing process:

  • All PP children will be identified on Pupil Premium registers and this information shared with staff.
  • Pupils will be closely tracked and monitored in line with their peers appropriate to their ability.
  • Governor’s will be informed of the position of Pupil Premium within the school at regular Teaching and Learning meetings
  • The school will produce a summary of provision implemented and this will be reported online as part of the review of their pupil premium strategy.

All staff are aware of barriers to learning and these should be addressed within the teaching and learning experience that pupils receive.

Pupil Premium Shirley Infant Academic Year 2020-2021

How much pupil premium money does our school get?

13% of pupils were eligible to receive pupil premium funding in the January 2020 census.

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received April 2020 - March 2021



Total number of pupils on roll


Total number of pupils eligible for PPG


Amount of PPG received per pupil


Total amount PPG received – April 2020


Total amount of funding received for looked after children


Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

2 children came up as EYPP from preschools

Nature of Support 2020/2021

Additional support and challenge is provided for all pupil premium pupils to improve progress in their learning for English, Maths and the wider curriculum. Quality first teaching, small group interventions, 1:1 interventions and pastoral care are provided in order to raise the attainment of these pupils.

Experiences and creativity are provided throughout the curriculum to ensure that pupils are engaged and inspired in their learning in order to achieve the highest possible standard.

Training is given to staff to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest knowledge and new initiatives to effectively support pupil premium children. Coaching is provided as part of their professional development and therefore raises the quality of the provision they provide.  CPD is brought in to train our staff to be the best informed they can be to deliver quality first teaching to all, however, specially tailoring it to out PP needs and backgrounds.

The Provision and Impact are seen below for review of spend 2020/21:

Intervention / Item PP SLT Lead
Objective Interventions have an impact on learning. Data is analysed in order to identify gaps and areas to develop. Clear action planning drives provision forward in order to sufficiently help children ‘catch- up’ on any learning missed through the recovery curriculum.
Cost £12,400

Objective measure: Increase the percentage of children achieving PSE early learning goal and expected in Reading. (Increase percentage so PP are working within 10% of peers).

Year R Compairson PSE, Reading and Speaking

  PSE % EPP PSE % EPP Reading All Reading EPP Speaking All Speaking
2019/20 88% 69% 64% 80% 71% 83%
2020/21 90%


(19% increase)


(24% increase)



(4% increase)

  • 19% increase from previous year of children achieving PSE in Early Years data.
  • Off track children were closely monitored half termly.  
  • Pupil premium children offered a place in school during Spring closure. Children not in school received weekly phone calls and additional intervention.
  • Additional Speaking and Listening provision to support targets against ELG.
  • 24% increase of PP children achieving Reading from previous year.
  • Off track children were identified half termly and additional afternoon intervention was put into place. (In Spring term two PP children were off track in reading. They attended breakfast reading club and achieved Expected).
  • Reading expectation grid created with PP and English Lead to support teacher judgements. Raised colour expectations from teachers to ensure children make rapid progress against phonic targets.

Objective Measure: Ensure PP are working within 10% of cohort in end of year Key Stage 1 data.

72% achieved combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics in comparison to 54% in 19/20. This is an 18% increase from last year.

2 children achieved ARE in Reading and Mathematics but not in writing. 1 child has received additional emotional support in lessons due to home circumstances. 1 child was very close to achieving ARE but did not always sustain standards in longer pieces. Writing will be a SIP focus for next academic year.

81% of the cohort achieved combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics, demonstrating PP are working within 10% of cohort.

  Reading Writing Mathematics

83% (All)

61% (PP)

79% (All)

53% (PP)

82% (All)

62% (PP)


87% (All)

87% (PP)

81% (All)

73% (PP)

87% (All)

93% (PP)

  • 26% increase from previous year in PP children achieving ARE in Reading.  PP are working in line with rest of cohort.
  • 20% increase from previous year in PP achieving ARE in end of year writing. PP are working within 10% of peers in writing.
  • 21% increase from previous year in PP achieving ARE in mathematics. PP children are working above rest of cohort in mathematics.
  • Off track children were identified in half termly checks and intervention was put in place to close gaps.
  • Targets were identified on Pen Portraits.

Objective Measure: Diminish the gap between PP and non-PP so children achieve ARE in at least 2 Core subjects in Year 1.

62% of children achieved ARE in 2 CORE subjects in year 1.

This Cohort have been tracked very closely due to their very low starting points and planning has been carefully adapted to suit the needs of these children. Concerns over progress were escalated in the Spring term to HAMWIC and Pupil Premium lead from trust was invited into school to carry out a learning walk. 6 of 13 children are now on the SEND register. This is 46% of PP children in this cohort.  1 additional child started with us at the start of Summer 2 with gaps in learning. 4 have now been added to the SEND register. 1 child has extremely poor auditory memory and scored 3 years below current age on language assessment test. 2 children have cognition and focus barriers which were significantly below on the BOXALL assessments. 1 child has shown more significant social and emotional needs in school and their learning provision has been tailored to support this barrier. This was supported by findings from the Boxall assessments. This cohort will continue to be tracked closely. 6 children now have learning logs and will be reviewed regularly by the SEND team against targets set.

75% of PP who are not on SEND register achieved ARE in all 3 CORE subjects in comparison to 78% of the entire cohort achieving ARE combined. This is within 10% of cohort.

Objective Measure: To increase the percentage of children achieving ARE in KS1 data (who move to the school mid-year).

Impact of 3 Year Plan

HLS received coaching in the Autumn term from HAMWIC on writing a 3-year Pupil Premium strategy. This will become a recommendation for schools to adopt from September 2021. This academic year we have trialled some of these actions for children who start mid-way through an academic year to monitor the impact. In previous years, children who join us later in the year have not always reached ARE by the end of Key Stage 1, in comparison to children who have been with us from the start. For this reason, we reviewed our induction and provision for these families.

  • New Families receive a home visit by PP lead. (Due to COVID this has been a zoom meeting or phone call).
  • All new PP children will have a BOXALL assessment in order to gain a deeper insight into their learning profile. This allows provision to be tailored further to their exact needs.
  • Half termly phone calls from PP lead to check in with families and monitor engagement with Google Classroom resources.

No new PP chn have joined mid-way through Year R.

1 PP child joined in October and 1 in June in Year 1.

  Child A Child B
Achieve ARE in 2 core

Made accelerated progress in mathematics. Receiving daily Speech and Language to address gaps. On SEND register. Boxall findings have supported target setting and confidence in class with social aspects of learning.

Started in summer term. Significant gaps due to not being in school but receiving additional catch up support and now making good progress to close gaps. Targeted to make accelerated progress in year 2.
Access school resources Regular access on Rising Stars, completes home learning activities. Regular contact with Karen Allen for support. Accessing Rising Stars regularly and school resources on google classroom.
Lockdown attendance Due to shielding, did not take place in school but received laptop and engaged with 70% of work on google classroom. Started after
Reading colour progression Has moved 4 reading colours in 2 terms. Has moved 2 reading colours in 5 weeks.

4 PP children joined mid-way through year 2.

  Child A Child B Child C Child D
Achieve ARE in 3 core Despite not being in school for year, achieved ARE in all CORE subjects and passed Phonics check. Boxall findings have supported target setting and confidence in class with social aspects of learning. Started in Summer term. Significant gaps due to not being in school. Has attended breakfast reading/writing clubs and extra Maths intervention. Made accelerated progress in mathematics and passed Phonics screening check. Boxall findings have supported target setting and emotional support in class. Started in Spring term. Achieved ARE in all CORE subjects and passed Phonics screening check. Started in Autumn term. Achieved ARE in Reading and Mathematics and passed Phonics Screening check.
Access school resources Regular access on Rising Stars, completes home learning activities. Accessing Rising Stars regularly and school resources on google classroom. Regular access on Rising Stars, completes home learning activities. Regular contact with Karen Allen for support. Regular access on Rising Stars, completes home learning activities. Regular contact with Karen Allen for support.
Lockdown attendance Due to shielding, did not take place in school but completed all google classroom work and attended additional Virtual Catch up support. Accepted allocated place in school. Accepted allocated place in school. Due to shielding, did not take place in school but received laptop and engaged with 70% of work on google classroom.
Reading colour progression Has moved 6 reading colours since starting. Has moved 6 reading colours this year. Has moved 5 reading colours in two terms. Has moved 5 reading colours in 2 terms.
Intervention / Item Curriculum

Ensure the ‘recovery curriculum’ allows children to catch- up quickly on any learning missed during COVID.

Ensure families can support their children with reading at home – EPP lead to contact families half termly to ensure accessing ‘reading planet’ or reading books from in class. (Through week 4 phone calls 2/25 parents contacted, had logged onto rising stars).

All class teachers will have a range of resources to support children’s learning through visual, practical and stimulating resources. PP support teachers are equipped for out of class interventions.

Colourful Semantics provision for Year R and children with language barriers. 

ECAT assessments carried out on all children in Year R.

Boxall assessments carried out on all Year R children for PSE.

Children who do not achieve Expected in PSE Boxall assessments are continued and targeted on Pen portraits.

P4C taught throughout the whole school as a tool to promote speaking/ listening and enquiry skills.

Cost £500

Objective Measure: For all PP families to be able to access school support materials.

In Autumn term, PP lead called all families to support with accessing Rising Stars and google classroom. 29/ 32  (90%) of PP families contacted, had not previously used Rising Stars or accessed school information page on website. Following this, class teachers monitored Rising Star data closely to check PP children’s reading on Rising Stars. In the spring term PP families were offered additional books to be sent home weekly to support reading at home. 40% of PP chn took home weekly books to consolidate learning taught in school and to promote a love of reading.

Objective Measure- Increase the percentage of PP children passing the Phonics Screening Check.

  • In Autumn term Phonics packs were made for PP children to help support children for the phonics check.
  • 86% of the children passed their Phonics Screening Check in the Autumn term.
  • In practise tests at the start of the term 5 additional PP children scored below 30 in the practice test. Additional intervention was put in place and progress was monitored closely.
  • 2 children did not pass. 1 child had only 5 weeks in school with us before the check. This child had lots of gaps from phase 5 but passed the retake in the summer term.  1 child is on the SEND register and is working on previous year targets.
  • 93% of the children passed their phonics test by the end of year 2.

Objective Measure: ECATS to show rapid progress against speech targets.

ECAT records show children’s development in their speaking and listening skills.  Activity impact sheets demonstrate number of children achieving or exceeding set targets.

Year R

  • 75% of PP children achieve Speaking in end of year Early years data. 2 children did not achieve Speaking and listening. One child has an EHCP and one child is being added to the register.

Year 1

  • 2/13 are now working on 40-60 month targets in comparison to 8/13 at the start of the academic year. The 2 children were previously working on 30-50 month targets.
  • Due to current year 1’s low starting points, all children completed Boxall assessments. 6/13 children had targets in at least 2/4 areas. Findings have supported teachers in tailoring targets and capturing detailed profile of learners on Pen Portraits.
Intervention / Item Pre-teaching Overview (out of PP cost)

The pre-teaching curriculum will continue for every topic in every year group.  Before each topic each PP child will receive pre-teaching support to enable them to access their current topic, therefore becoming mini experts. 

Specific resources support children with concentrate, make better behaviour choices, have resource packs to enable engagement with home learning activities. This Intervention work has greater precision and enhances progress in diminishing the difference. 


Objective Measure: Increased understanding of key vocabulary and skills in foundation subjects.

Pre teaching activities supported pupil’s acceleration in their leaning.  It equipped them with key vocabulary they needed for their topic, therefore, preventing barriers to children achieving key elements of the Year group’s objectives. Pupil Conferencing and Work scrutiny and assessment data, findings show children are retaining new topic vocabulary outside of the point of teaching. (See individual foundation subject reports).

Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, supports our findings here where he said: ‘Giving every child the best start in life means making sure the right early development opportunities are in place. That starts in the home, which means giving parents the confidence to help their children read, learn new words and social skills at an early age. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds or those with additional needs can face the greatest barriers in their early development, so it is important that where that help is needed it is in place as early as possible – such as through our free childcare for two-year-olds from lower income families which is used by more than 70% of those who are eligible. The Sutton trust also supports this ‘Overall, studies of communication and language approaches consistently show positive benefits for young children’s learning, including their spoken language skills, their expressive vocabulary and their early reading skills. On average, children who are involved in communication and language approaches make approximately six months’ additional progress over the course of a year. All children appear to benefit from such approaches, but some studies show slightly larger effects for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

20% of PP have received Top up PE to support basic agility, balance and coordination skills. All children have made progress against starting points and have showed increased motivation for PE.

Intervention / Item

Resources to support specialised learning, e.g. additional adults on trips.

Due to COVID – no trips Money spent on additional adult support for catch up


Extending our range of resources and teaching techniques as appropriate to each individual child.

Trips predicted to go ahead for spring and summer term. An additional adult will attend trips to work with the EPP children in smaller groups to question the children to further elicit their understanding.

Additional experiences planned in school for EPP children, e.g. in Great Fire of London topic school care taker to organise a controlled fire.

Cost £2,000

Due to no trips taking place this year, no money has been allocated towards this.

In the Summer term, Pond dipping was able to take place (See Science Lead for impact of pre visit)

During school closure, all Key Stage 1 pupils were offered a place in school. 73% of PP children took a full time place during this period. 27% of pupils worked from home. They received weekly phone calls from EPP lead/class teachers, weekly paper packs of work set on google classroom, additional laptop/ data if this was required, reading books and additional phonics and mathematics resources to help scaffold learning. Any off track children were invited to have 1:1 or small group virtual lessons with their class teacher to help close gaps.

Intervention / Item Precision Teaching

Precision teacher will pick up EPP children in Year 1 who still have considerable gaps to diminish the difference until Christmas. (Two children targeted to make accelerated progress in year 1).   From the Spring term 2021, precision teacher will focus back on new Year R children, therefore, shifting the focus to catching children earlier and diminishing the difference earlier stopping gaps from appearing.

Year 2 EPP children. 6/8 all on track to achieve ARE or GD in 3 core subjects.

1 child has SEN with a learning log and is monitored closely against targets by SENCO and PP lead. 1 child has continued support from family support worker and receiving daily intervention in class. (PP lead to monitor impact and progress against targets).

Cost £9,485.32

Objective Measure: Further diminish gap between PP and non-PP. (PP to be working within 10% of peers).

Precision teaching became a focus in year 1 for the Autumn term (due to the children’s lower starting points and gaps missed from COVID in previous year. 62% of children are now working at ARE or above. This is a decrease from 19/20.  This is 7 out of 13 children. 1 child is working at greater depth for reading. 6 children are off track in reading. They had very low starting points from year R. They have read daily and received additional phonic teaching in the afternoons. They can now all blend CVC and CCVC words. 4 of the children who are off track are on the SEND register. 1 child has only been with us for 5 weeks. This child has not been out of school for a while and had significant learning gaps but is making rapid progress to close the gaps. 1 child had significantly low starting points but is now blending and has moved 5 reading colours. 71% of the PP without SEND are working at ARE or above and passed their phonics test. 1 child has made accelerated progress in reading moving from emerging to ARE.

Year 2

  • 86% of PP children of the children passed their Phonics Screening Check in the autumn term. They are working in line with peers.
  • 2 children did not pass. 1 child had only 5 weeks in school with us before the check. This child had lots of gaps from phase 5 but passed the retake in the summer term.  This child received additional phonic and reading intervention in the summer term to close these gaps.  1 child is on the SEND register and is working on previous year targets.
  • 93% of PP children passed their phonics test by the end of year 2.

Early Years

  • 88% of children achieve expected in reading. (7 out of the 8 children achieved expected).
  • 1 child did achieve expected in reading. This child has been monitored by the SEND team for cognition difficulties.
  • In the spring term 2 children were off track but have made rapid progress this term. They have attended breakfast early reading club and received an additional phonics in the afternoon to consolidate learning.
Intervention / Item Family Support Worker

To continue to reduce the number of FSM pupils whose attendance falls below 96%

To demonstrate improving attendance for any FSM pupil who are currently PA.

Paired reading programme targeted to key families.

To continue to support vulnerable families and reduce the number of CPOMS incidents across the year.

Cost £4,200

Objective Measure: Increased attendance in PP families supported by Family Support Worker.

  • 9 Pupil Premium families, (15 Pupil premium children)  have received regular support with family support worker.  Due to COVID these cases are all still open. Through questionnaire, families voiced a confidence to request help from the school if required.
  • Karen has made a referral for 1 of the families for a mental health support and this was accepted.
  • 2 family received a referral for yellow door which has been accepted.
  • Currently 2/ 9 families have had attendance below 96%.  7/9 families’ attendance has improved through regular support with Karen.
  • 4 pupil premium families received FairShare food deliveries during Lockdown.
  • Regular contact was made to these 9 families during school closure and all of these children engaged with some of the school work during school closure if not in school.
  • Pupils were in school and able to access the support and pre-teaching opportunities that have been prepared for them. 3 of the families did not take a school place but these children had laptops, dongles and data.
  • Lunch hampers for all PP children during school closure. 1 family has asked for help financially during this period and has been supported through electricity top up vouchers and food bank vouchers.
  • There has been a reduction in CPOMS incidents for playtime behaviour for these families.

Due to no books being sent home, Karen has not completed top up paired reading training but instead supported families with rising stars and accessing school resources. Training to be launched in September 2021/22.

School will maintain its high position of attendance across the LA.  See below attendance table;

Intervention / Item

ELSA Support


Promote pupil attitudes in order to engage with learning.  Support pupils with low self-esteem and inspire high aspirations.

increases pupils’ ability to work independently, demonstrating positive attitudes to learning and resilience.

The Education Endowment Foundation reports that social and emotional development impacts positively on attainment (+4 months).

Cost £4,500

Objective Measure: Teachers to observe improvements against the child’s social/ emotional target.

11 PP pupils received ELSA support in the Summer term. 9/11 pupils increased their score to above 6 after the 6 weeks sessions. They demonstrated improved engagement and behaviour for learning.

Confidence and self-esteem are raised enabling further engagement in the classroom. This has been a result of all support in school through additional intervention, social and nurture groups, personalised targets on Pen Portraits and home support from our family support worker.

Work scrutiny evidence demonstrates increasing completion rates for identified pupils. Stamina to complete tasks independently is reported by class teachers to be higher as a result of support received.

Sutton Trust supports our findings‘’ Existing evidence suggests that SEL strategies can have a positive impact on social interactions, attitudes to learning, and learning itself. On average, children who follow SEL interventions make around three additional months’ progress in early years settings and reception classes. Though, on average, all children benefit, there is also some evidence that social and emotional approaches can benefit disadvantaged children more than their peers.

Intervention / Item EAL Support

Pre-teaching supports effective access and completion of class based learning. Pupils’ success and completion rates increase.

Progress for this groups of pupil’s shows as good or better from starting points.

All EAl children in the bottom 20% to receive interventions to support communication and language. See interventions below.

Cost £1,250

Objective Measure: To increase the percentage of children with EAL achieving ARE by end of KS1 data.

Current school focus to improve attainment for EAL pupils.

Designated EAL lead appointed across both schools to drive improvement for EAL learners and work with PP lead. In year 2 80% of children with EAL achieve at least expected. This a 2% increase from last year. No PP children with EAL achieved below age related expectations in comparison to 3 from the previous year.

80% of children with EAL achieved at least expected in writing. This is a 3% increase from the previous year. No PP children with EAL achieved below age related expectations in writing in comparison to 4 from the previous year.

Children who are new to the country are settled into school, making accelerated progress and using/ accessing the English language.

Intervention / Item Colourful Semantics implemented in all classes.

Small group workshops to give personalised support and extend children’s learning in and out of class.

(This intervention was not being used effectively in 2019- 2020)

Refresher training planned for staff in the Autumn term).

Cost £100

Training in the Autumn term to all teaching staff improved teacher confidence and knowledge delivering intervention. (Findings shown in teacher questionnaire)

13 children received Colourful Semantics intervention in the Autumn term to support sentence structure (orally in Year R/1 and written in year 2). 6 of these children did not need to continue with this intervention in the spring term. Progress was monitored closely into small steps to measure impact.

Intervention / Item Bucket Therapy
Objective Small group workshops to give personalised support and extend children’s learning in and out of class.
Cost £1,200

Objective Measure: Increase the percentage of children achieving PSE early learning goal

7/8 PP children received bucket therapy. All children made progress against targets and applied strategies in child initiated play. 88% of the children achieved PSE goal. 1 child has an EHCP plan.

Intervention / Item Specialised story writing resource for children in early years.

Increased number of EPP children achieving a good level of development in writing.

43% of EPP children from 19/20 in early years achieved an expected level of development in writing. This will be a school focus to increase this percentage for 20/21. These children will be closely targeted in year 1 to make accelerated progress in writing.

Cost £1,500

Training completed in Spring term for Tales toolkit resources. Increased motivation for Story telling in sessions and PP children could all use story vocabulary to tell a simple story. Resources to be used in child initiated play in Autumn term to continue to increase the amount of child initiated writing.

50% of children achieve a good level of development in writing. This is a 7% increase from 19/20. Writing will be a School SIP focus next academic year.

In year 1 4 children have made accelerated progress in writing moving from Emerging to ARE. They have received additional ‘blue dot’ writing support three times per week to consolidate basic skills.

Intervention / Item Neli
Objective Small group workshops to give personalised support and extend children’s learning in and out of class.
Cost £4,000

Objective Measure: Increase the percentage of children achieving Speaking and Listening.

This was a new programme that was shared with us in the Autumn term. It has been designed to support children who may be working below their age for language development. All children in early years were tested and  4 out of the 8 PP children were recommended to receive the intervention. 3/ 4 children who received the intervention achieved Speaking and Listening. 1 child has been added to the SEND register. All children improved their listening and attention and showed an increased confidence to use more vocabulary.

Intervention / Item Play Therapy
Objective To support a very small number of children to deal with emotions that ELSA is unable to support in sufficient area of child needs 
Cost £1,000
Impact 1 child in Year 1 received Play therapy in the Summer term. The class teacher reported an improvement in their social skills. (See Boxall profile for this child).
Intervention / Item

School Pack (unifrom)


Year R Children allocated per year:

2 jumpers/cardigans

Water bottle

Cost £540
Impact Uniform provided; children feel a part of the school and its community, therefore, impacting on their feeling of belonging and subsequently boosting their self-esteem.
Intervention / Item Reading Packs
Objective To increase the love of reading for this key group and give them opportunities to develop their self-esteem and increase confidence in their early reading skills.
Cost £250
Impact Teachers noted an increased motivation for reading. Through phone calls and tracking of Rising Stars, 40% of PP families did not engage with online books, so these families received additional reading books.
Intervention / Item Clubs: Team Spirit

Pupils are provided with an opportunity to participate in an extracurricular club to develop social skills, and a widen opportunity of possibilities for their dreams and aspirations.  Studies have shown that children’s handwriting skills link to their early physical development and if gaps are missed here they can have a detrimental effect on later gross motor skills and fine motor skills, ie handwriting.

No after school clubs to take place in Autumn 1. All year 1 and 2 children invited to a weekly team spirit club.


This was affected by COVID no clubs have taken place this year.

Money used towards photocopying of PP home learning pack, teaching resources, additional adults to carry out precision teaching £310.

This will be a focus for next academic year.

Additional costs

£1000 forest schools for child in year 2.

Why did we choose this support?

As a school, we collect data for all of our pupils termly. From here our Pupil Premium Lead then analyses the data of our Pupil Premium children. We then compare their progress and attainment to our non-Pupil Premium children. We also use Online data, Phonics screening, EYFS data and Local education authority data summary to compare our results against national and local expectations. This helps us to develop strategies and interventions to promote improvement. We use a range of monitoring to help us evaluate the strategies which we put in place. These are data, pupil progress meetings, pupils’ work, planning, and observations. From this process interventions are adapted or changed if they are not working. We regularly discuss our strategies, interventions and progress with the Senior Leadership Team and Governors. A member of the governing body is responsible for liaison with the school’s pupil premium lead.

End or Year Impact

Analysis of progress in Reading, Writing and Maths at the end of July 2019 shows that the Pupil Premium children are making progress at least as well as or faster than the children not on Pupil Premium.  This demonstrates that the measures we are putting in place are helping to close the gap in attainment for our disadvantaged children.

End of Key stage 1 outcomes 2020 against taught objectives due to COVID -19- Data

This table shows the percentage of children who reached the expected standard in each core subject against the objectives taught.



% Expected Standard


% Expected Standard


% Expected Standard

Whole School

80% (2018- 2019)

83% (2019- 2020)

87% (2020-2021)

81% (2018- 2019)

74% (2019-2020)

81% (2020-2021)

86% (2018- 2019)

81% (2019- 2020)

87% (2020-2021)


54% (2018- 2019)

61% (2019- 2020)

87% (2020-2021)

26% increase

50% (2018- 2019)

53% (2019- 2020)

73% (2020-2021)

20% increase

58% (2018- 2019)

62% (2019- 2020)

93% (2020-2021)

31% increase – working above peers

PP to National Other (Aug 18)


