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Spring 2

Here is a link to our Curriculum letter


Phonics, guided reading, handwriting (cursive script)

Topic writing: recounts, diaries, information texts.


Multiplication and division, fractions

Foundation Subjects

Click on each Subject below to find out more about the unit of work. 

PSHE – Good To Be Me

Science – Humans

Computing – Research & Presenting/E-Safety

History – The Victorians

Art/DT – Weaving

Music - Pitch and texture

PE – Gym

RE – Changing Emotions

Pupil Premium Provision:

The children will help set up the role play areas in MOOT with class teacher to enable pre teaching of new vocabulary with historical props. DVDs will be sent home with downloaded clips on for the children to watch over the half term ready for the topic so they have a better understanding of vocabulary and historical terms. Key vocabulary word banks to be sent home to support learning in class. 

Celebration of our learning. 

A Victorian Experience!

Our Year 1 Victorian topic began with an exciting trip to Manor Farm, where the children were able to experience what life would have been like in the ‘olden days’. From working on the farm to household chores such as storing food correctly and doing the laundry, the children could see how simple tasks today were much more difficult back then… however many said they would love to use a washboard and a mangle at home! Life at school was very different too. The teachers were really strict and the children were to be ‘seen but not heard’ throughout their reading, writing and arithmetic lessons!


Back at Shirley Infant School we experienced another ‘Victorian School’ when we turned our classrooms into Victorian classrooms for the day. Everyone played their role with great enthusiasm, with the boys taking part in geography and art lessons and the girls learning to bake and sew. Drill was incredibly different to our PE today! The children really enjoyed their day very much and luckily, no one needed the cane or the dunce’s hat!