Year R Admissions
Starting School in Year R
Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 can apply for a school place from September 2024 for admission in September 2025.
Our published admission number (PAN) for September 2025 is 90. This means that we have 3 classes in Year R each with 30 children.
Shirley Infant School’s full Admission Policy for 2025/26 is available for viewing on our school website, on our Key Information / Policies & Procedures page, or a copy can be requested from the school office. This details the selection criteria and over-subscription criteria of the school.
Applications should be made on-line to the local authority admissions team here: Apply for a school place by the 15th January 2025.
All on-time applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application on 16th April 2025. This will either be by a notification via the Citizen’s Portal or in writing (either in hard copy or via email).
Parents/carers will be asked to formally accept or refuse the offer made to them. If a parent/carer refuses the offer made to them, the local authority Admissions Team will seek to clarify how the child will be otherwise educated.
If a school place is offered anywhere other than at the first preference school, the parent/carers will have the right to appeal the refusal of a place. Information about this process will accompany the offer letter.