School Council
We value the ideas and opinions of our children. In order to provide a forum for all children to have a ‘voice’ we hold monthly Class Councils. All the children are trained at holding meetings, taking minutes and setting agendas.
Being a School Council rep is considered to be an important role in our school, thus the children are encouraged to think carefully before committing themselves to a year ‘in office’.
Hustings are held each new academic year in the Autumn term, where the children can explain to their class why they feel they would make a good School Council rep.
The children take part in a real experience of an election. To promote Citizenship and British Values the elections are carried out with voting slips and mini-booths to vote in their new school council representatives.
They will be supporting the Senior Leadership Team to lead initiatives and evaluate how effectively our school runs, so that Shirley Infants is the best school it can possibly be.
We will be working on our School Self Evaluation Form throughout the year.
See ou newsreel for our current focus.
We are also very proud of our Deputy School Council members. They will be our Eco Warriors, and they will work with Mrs Arnott to continue thinking about how the school can protect the environment and support the school council on any big decisions.