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Summer 2

This half-term our topic is ‘Under the Sea’. 

In Understanding the world our children will learn about the Hindu festival Raksha Bandhan: the concept of love.  They will learn about the importance of showing the people we love and care for how we respect and care about them and why.  They visit the Common to learn about the secret code of SWAF - Shelter, water, air and food.  They explore what humans and animals need to stay healthy and safe.  Through our Come outside day the children learn about camouflage, floating and sinking and go on a summer nature walk to compare the impact of the seasons.  They look at weather and safety aspects they need to know in order to keep themselves safe in the sun, at the beach, out and about. 


In Personal, Social and Emotional development, we look at changes that happen to us.  We explore changes that are planned, changes we can control and changes that we can not control.  We have a high focus on transition and have an individual transition programme that the children experience to support their feelings and regulations about moving on to their next year group.  


We read lots of stories to drive our writing: 

  Clem and Crab  

 Commotion in the Ocean

 and a range of non-fiction texts 

This half term we learn to write sentences with finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.  We look for children to be using and spelling the Year R tricky words correctly and staring sentences with different starters.  We are introduced to saying our sentences aloud verbally and then applying this to writing.  We think about how many words are in our sentence and then apply it to our writing. 

We continue to practise our letter formation using the little wandle script.  Follow this link for support for phonics and letter formation:

In physical development, we move into our gymnastics sessions, continuing to refine our gross motor control and coordination.   

In maths, we move learn new concepts of Doubling, Sharing and grouping, Odd and even and develop our reasoning skills.

We revisit composition of numbers, learning to mentally recall number bonds to 5 and 10.  We love number blocks to support our maths learning:


In Expressive Art and Design we focus on joining to construct.  We practice different joining techniques to support our continuous provision of opportunities of 3D construction modelling.  The children learn to use these joins to make something of their choice.  We then revisit our knowledge of painting and focussing on retrieval paint a portrait to take up with us to our next class.



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