A Shirley Infant School musician will develop a life-long love of music through an engaging and inspiring curriculum. The Golden Thread of Singing is a central part of school life through weekly singing assemblies, a school choir and rehearsals in the classroom for special events. We know that singing makes us feel happy and that singing together is an essential part of a rich curriculum. Our children develop an appreciation of music from a wide range of times, places and cultures. They have an understanding of the elements that all music is based on; rhythm, pitch, dynamics, texture, structure, timbre and tempo and these skills and understanding are built systematically to ensure progression. Children’s imagination, creativity and self-confidence are developed through participation in a wide range of musical activities including singing, listening and responding, composing and improvisation. There are many opportunities for children to use a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments within the music curriculum and children also have whole-class instrumental lessons in Year 2. Shirley Schools recognises how music helps to foster the essential life skills of co-operation, mutual support, self-discipline and commitment and that it is vital for children to be able to express their thoughts and feelings.