Moving to Juniors
When your child is in Year 2 you will need to apply for a Junior School Place. Applications can be made on-line at
Southampton City Council School Admissions
It is advised that you select 3 schools and list them in order of preference.
TIP: When searching for the schools to add to your list, please remove the postcode from the search engine as this will only pull up schools in your postcode (for example. a SO15 postcode will only list Shirley Junior School and Tannersbrook Junior School). In addition, if you know which schools you would like to list, it is advisable to search using the first few letters of the name only.
If you do not have access to a computer, please use your local library, or alternatively, please call 023 8083 3004 who will be able to advise you further.
To apply for a place, you will need to:
• Find and decide the order of your preferred schools
• Register and apply through the Citizen Portal
Please use this link to register for the portal:
Once you have registered for the portal, you can make your application here:
STEP 1: Select ‘School Admissions’ button when logged in to the Citizen Portal.
STEP 2: Choose or add the child you would like to start the application for.
STEP 3: Check the postcode for your child’s address to ensure you’re applying through the correct authority.
STEP 4: Select the transfer / admission group.
STEP 5: Enter the child’s UID, if SCC have sent you one. Otherwise proceed with ‘No UID’.
STEP 6: Provide additional details of your child.
STEP 7: Provide your address details. You must provide your child’s permanent address on the application form.
STEP 8: Tell us about your child’s current school.
STEP 9: Choose your school preferences. You may select up to three different schools, and it is important to rank them in the order you would prefer your child to attend. Your first choice school should be at Rank 1. The search screen initially shows schools that have the same part postcode as your child’s address, e.g. SO16. Please remove the part postcode and change the ‘Schools Located In’ drop down menu to Southampton.
STEP 10: Confirm if a sibling also attends the school or a linked infant/junior school that you are applying for.
STEP 11: You will have the opportunity to select reasons relevant to your chosen schools. You can also provide other reasons to support your application.